Here's the (long-awaited) assembled and working Triple Barrel Maverick. I'm naming it "The Pepper Box." It's a take on a three-barrel pistol from the late 1800s. As you can see a few changes from the WIP post that was posted a few weeks back, I have added the new acrylic laser-cut spacers as well as some new reinforcements and a new axis of rotation system. It actually works quite well.
- Triple Barrel Mod
- OMW 6kg spring
- ARs out/lubed/sealed
- Posts removed (I would not recommend unless the ARs are removed AND dead space is removed)
- Acrylic laser-cut spacers
- Reinforcements to front of shell
- Clutch mod
- Black/grey paintjob (TBA later on)
Well, my laser-cut acrylic spacers finally came in for the TBM that I've been working on. The original plywood spacers that I had made didn't quite cut it. So here is my nice new stack of spacer sets.
Other than that, we can now offer Triple Barrel Maverick mods to the public. The total mod package includes:
- The triple barrel Maverick with:
- 3 revolving barrels with 6 shots each
- Quality acrylic turret spacers
- 6kg OMW spring
- AR removal
- Post removal
- Clutch mod
- Turret seal
- Paintjob
Also, if anyone is interested in buying the spacers alone (if you're like me and don't have a cnc router or laser) to do the modding yourself, the set runs for $20, +$3.50 shipped to anywhere in the US or +$13 shipped international.
DIY TBM mod packages are also available which include both the spacers and OMW 6kg spring, and run for $30, +$3.50 shipped to anywhere in the US or +$13 shipped international.
As of July. 18, 2013, I have acquired 2 more sets of spacers. These are solely for entire commissions, and will not be sold off individually.
how much for a gun?